

If you see the last post date…there haven’t been many (or any) new posts in the past few months, well, life I guess.  I got busy, new promotion at work (Supervising Engineer!), working on some Navy stuff, did AT in South Korea, and try to stay somewhat active (although, that has suffered as well it seems).

Now Fall is here, shorter days, cooler weather, hiking more, hunting a little.  Got a new (used) car, a 2013 Hyundai Tuscon, pretty fun, I’ll try to get a post together about how I made it ‘Adventure Ready’.


Focus on the next few months will be progressing on JPME studies, Crossfit x2/week, and getting work and Navy stuff figured out….hopefully a few more posts to come as well!

Update 11/12/17


Idea for this page from Derek Sivers – check his site out at