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Tag: Squat

Hiking Strength Program

Hiking Strength Program

The final installment of the Hiking Strength Series is here!  This post will layout a 10 week program that will target your training to crush your upcoming hiking adventure! The previous Hiking Strength posts detailed different movements and exercises that are the basis of this program.  Descriptions, photos, graphics and videos help provide explanations and movement standards to help get you on your way. Introduction Squats! Bulletproof Your Legs Build a Durable Core Stronger Upper Body The Program The Hiking…

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Hiking Strength Series – Squats!

Hiking Strength Series – Squats!

Kicking off the Hiking Strength Series is the movement most effective for building strength and stability – the Barbell Back Squat.  Hiking and backpacking through rugged terrain or maneuvering steep elevation changes can be physically taxing.  Squats will strengthen the legs, improve hip drive and fortify the core allowing you to power through any technical terrain with confidence.  When trained consistently it will work and develop the entire body, improving strength, mobility, coordination and even endurance.   If there was a…

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